Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Day One - Saddam: This Season's Must-Have Look

This is the first post in a blog that I hope shall serve as a sounding board for my obnoxious opinions, my tasteless flights of fancy and whatever else I can think to put in it. I'm not really sure as yet, but what I am sure about is that I want a blog, and seeing as no moneys changing hands anywhere along the chain, I don't really see that anyone's got any right to complain. Innit. Shall we begin?

Check out the familiar image to the left there. It's Saddam Hussein. Well duh. But look again. Look closely... It's not THE Saddam Hussein. Not the one we coalition of the just went to war with last year (or whenever it was). It's a new Saddam. Re-assimilated, re-invigorated and re-juvenated. He's looking pretty fucking cool, in't he? Loose collar, salt-and-pepper beard, just got-out-of-bed hair - fuck, this man has gone from murderous dictator to a style icon for the over-40's. He's a Robert de Niro for the Arab world! He's cool AS!

How did that happen?! How did the most hated man in the West become so fucking cool? Forget the Kurdish indiscretions and the brutal dictatorship; if only they could, GQ would line him up for a photoshoot in this season's new smart-casualwear. And such movie-star conduct as well! Only Saddam and George Clooney could walk into a courtroom where decisions about their life and death are to be made and straight from the off tell the judge to go and fuck a handful of his own shit.

Let's hear it for Saddam: one hell of a comeback. Let's hope he doesn't Gadaffi it up and get all Liberace on us.


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